Monday, August 2, 2010

Queen City Bike Meeting

Ride with us to the August meeting of Queen City Bike. Our region's voice for bicycle advocacy, Queen City Bike is currently working to improve our bicycle infrastructure. Jason and Katie will leave from the shop at 6:40 to ride to the meeting in the East End.

This month's agenda is as follows:

7 pm - 7:30: Presentation by Cincinnati Dept of Transportation and Engineering on options for Riverside Drive (jointly with East End Area Council)
7:30 - 8:30: Additional Queen City Bike Business:

1) Bike Friendly Destinations project: QCB has been awarded Greater Cincinnati Foundation grant for $10,000

2) Bike to Baseball (ride to Reds games)

3) New activities for late summer/fall: Spring Grove Cemetary Tour? Other?

4) QCB Membership Discount Program

5) Discussion of new Cincinnati Bicycle Program Advisory Committee per the Bike Plan

6) Bike Month 2011

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