Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Katie and Nate head off for bicycle adventures

Next week, Nate and I will be departing Cincinnati for a ten month Arabic and Hebrew program in Jaffa, Israel. We'll be taking bicycle tours of Israel, Jordan and Egypt during our vacation time. Once our ten month commitment is through, we'll be bicycling from Istanbul to Dublin. The route hasn't been finalized yet, but it looks like we'll be going through the following: Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, England, Scotland, and Ireland. We might re-route or head into Russia and the Ukraine, but the tentative plans are shaping up to be interesting no matter what we decide on.
We will miss the wonderful, quirky people who frequent and work at Reser Bicycle Outfitters. Jason has graciously agreed to sponsor our touring with some of the best gear on the market. We cannot thank him enough--we will definitely be going through some chains and tubes. Please check back for weekly updates on the places we'll be riding and how our gear is holding up. Our blog will be up and running in the next few days as we wind down the process of getting ready to leave the country. Sunday will be our last day at the shop--stop by and say hello and goodbye! We have no idea what we'll be doing when we return, but we promise you'll all be the first to know.
All of our best,
Katie and Nate

Monday, August 16, 2010

Bicycles, beer, and mud: it's that time of the year

Cyclocross season is just around the corner. If that doesn't send shivers of excitement down your spine, I really, really, really don't know what will. Featuring trails, mud, rocks, obstacles, pavement and grass, cyclocross is a test of bicycle handling skills, endurance, and ones ability to endure aggressive heckling.

If you aren't sure about running through the mud while carrying your bicycle up an intense hill, then come try it out at cyclocross practice this Wednesday, 6:30 pm at Devou Park.

We've got Ridley and Rocky Mountain cyclocross bikes in stock. Getting into the sport doesn't have to break the bank--come in and talk to us about financing and layaway options. There are some great entry level frames and complete bikes in stock, too. Test rides are always free.

Just remember: it's not truly a suffer fest if there are beer hand-ups involved.

Friday, August 13, 2010


Impromptu party alert! Beer and pizza at the shop tonight, 7:30 until it runs out! YEAH! Do we need a reason? Okay, I guess the end of the race series works.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Devou Park Season Finale

It's the last race tonight at Devou. I know you're all sad that you won't be hearing Rob's commentary, and that we never got enough juniors out to get Big Dave into a grass skirt, but hey, let's have one last hurrah. There will be some serious contention for the women's series crown, and the men's races look to be just as fast tonight. Bring the family, bring the dog, bring your friends, and bring a little cash (or credit) for the taco truck.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Queen City Bike Meeting

Ride with us to the August meeting of Queen City Bike. Our region's voice for bicycle advocacy, Queen City Bike is currently working to improve our bicycle infrastructure. Jason and Katie will leave from the shop at 6:40 to ride to the meeting in the East End.

This month's agenda is as follows:

7 pm - 7:30: Presentation by Cincinnati Dept of Transportation and Engineering on options for Riverside Drive (jointly with East End Area Council)
7:30 - 8:30: Additional Queen City Bike Business:

1) Bike Friendly Destinations project: QCB has been awarded Greater Cincinnati Foundation grant for $10,000

2) Bike to Baseball (ride to Reds games)

3) New activities for late summer/fall: Spring Grove Cemetary Tour? Other?

4) QCB Membership Discount Program

5) Discussion of new Cincinnati Bicycle Program Advisory Committee per the Bike Plan

6) Bike Month 2011