- helmet - they should already have one, but a must if they don't
- multi-tool/repair kit - for roadside fixes and quick adjustments
- cycle computer / GPS - to keep a log of the miles
- tire pump - bikes need pumps
- indoor trainer or rollers - turn an outdoor bike into an indoor exerciser
- cycling socks - they fit better in cycling shoes
- winter or summer cycling gloves - for comfort
- warm clothing - to keep riding in January and February-
- headlight and taillight - safety first
- Reser Bicycle Outfitters gift card - it's always good!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Top Ten Christmas Gifts for Cyclists
Gift Ideas for Cyclists
It's Moving Sale Time...

Reser Bicycle Outfitters and crew are moving to 648 Monmouth Street in just two weeks! We could use your help clearing out some of our inventory. Our moving sale ends this Sunday so bring your out of town guests in for a visit and get in on some great moving sale deals.
As always all bicycles sold at Reser Bicycle Outfitters come with FREE Lifetime Tuning and Adjustments, Complimentary Fitting and Basic Bicycle Maintenance Class.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Ride and Relax with Fusion Studio and Reser Bicycle Outfitters

Join us this Tuesday for our regular group road ride and be treated to post ride stretch led by Fusion Studios!
After the ride the party will move to York Street Cafe where you can enjoy an adult beverage, chair massage, assisted stretching and myofascial release demonstrations. The ride begins promptly at 5:45 pm.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Trail Building at AJ Jolly Park
Hey all you hikers, trail runners and mountain bikers, A.J. Jolly Park in Campbell County has been opened to us for trail building! A small group of dedicated mountain bikers have been working tirelessly with county officials to open the way for a new trail system. The trails are currently planned to extend 10 + miles through beautiful park land. We are thrilled and appreciative for being granted access to this wonderful place. These trails will no doubt be enjoyed by nature lovers of all kinds.
After several months of meetings, planning and mapping the fun part has begun. It is time to build the trails! Please join us each Sunday morning through the end of August for some good old fashioned shovel slinging, tree trimming and clearing of weeds and downed trees. If you have never had the opportunity to join in some trail building this is a great place to start. This trail system from start to finish is dependent on volunteer efforts for completion. All trails are built to IMBA standards with attention paid to erosion concerns and sustainability issues. Experts in the field of trail building will be on hand to direct operations.
For more information about volunteer opportunities please call us here at Reser Bicycle Outfitters 859-261-6187. To receive an email bulletin for trail building events send your information and a request to be notified to jreser@reserbicycle.com.
Or, just show up...
Sundays July 6 - August 31
Meet at Reser Bicycle Outfitters at 8am to carpool
Meet at A.J. Jolly at 8:45am
Wednesday Evenings (Call for dates 859-261-6187)
Meet at Reser Bicycle Outfitters at 6pm to carpool
Meet at A.J. Jolly at 6:45pm
After several months of meetings, planning and mapping the fun part has begun. It is time to build the trails! Please join us each Sunday morning through the end of August for some good old fashioned shovel slinging, tree trimming and clearing of weeds and downed trees. If you have never had the opportunity to join in some trail building this is a great place to start. This trail system from start to finish is dependent on volunteer efforts for completion. All trails are built to IMBA standards with attention paid to erosion concerns and sustainability issues. Experts in the field of trail building will be on hand to direct operations.
For more information about volunteer opportunities please call us here at Reser Bicycle Outfitters 859-261-6187. To receive an email bulletin for trail building events send your information and a request to be notified to jreser@reserbicycle.com.
Or, just show up...
Sundays July 6 - August 31
Meet at Reser Bicycle Outfitters at 8am to carpool
Meet at A.J. Jolly at 8:45am
Wednesday Evenings (Call for dates 859-261-6187)
Meet at Reser Bicycle Outfitters at 6pm to carpool
Meet at A.J. Jolly at 6:45pm
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
May is National Bike Month!
In case you haven't heard, May is National Bike Month. With all of the local attention that cycling has received it would be hard to miss! There have been several opportunities all month long to enjoy some cycling camaraderie including weekly classes at Findlay Market, the Tour de la Work Commuter Challenge and many fun bike rides.
If you are among the few that haven't had a chance to share in the fun don't worry there is still time! Join us for the Queen City Bike Cyclebration on May 31st at Lunken Airport.
The festivities will include a Kids Bicycle Rodeo, Bike Polo, a Slowest Bike Race, live music from the Seedy Seeds, food and fun! Be sure to get in on the raffle and join the ride to downtown following the planned Little Miami bike trail.
Queen City Bike Month stickers and t-shirts will also be on sale with all proceeds going to benefit the Ohio River Way to complete the trail from Lunken Airport to downtown Cincinnati.
The Queen City Bike Cyclebration begins at 10am and runs until 6pm. For more information visit Queencitybike.com.
Also, be sure to get your tickets for the first ever Queen City Bike and Dine on June 7th! Learn more at Queencitybike.com.
If you are among the few that haven't had a chance to share in the fun don't worry there is still time! Join us for the Queen City Bike Cyclebration on May 31st at Lunken Airport.
The festivities will include a Kids Bicycle Rodeo, Bike Polo, a Slowest Bike Race, live music from the Seedy Seeds, food and fun! Be sure to get in on the raffle and join the ride to downtown following the planned Little Miami bike trail.
Queen City Bike Month stickers and t-shirts will also be on sale with all proceeds going to benefit the Ohio River Way to complete the trail from Lunken Airport to downtown Cincinnati.
The Queen City Bike Cyclebration begins at 10am and runs until 6pm. For more information visit Queencitybike.com.
Also, be sure to get your tickets for the first ever Queen City Bike and Dine on June 7th! Learn more at Queencitybike.com.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Future of Reser Bicycle Outfitters

Folks have been asking us about our new location, so I thought I'd give a picture of the current progress - doesn't look like much, but a few days ago there were five walls between where the picture was taken and the guys on the stairs in the back.
We're going to be as green as possible with the demolition debris - some of the wood will be reused and all the metal recycled. We even saved the old doors and frames as well as most of the light fixtures.
The building should be finished by this fall, and we can't wait. I'll be sure to give updates as it goes.
Monday, April 21, 2008
May is National Bike Month!
Cities all around the nation will be taking the opportunity to celebrate cycling in the month of May. Reser Bicycle Outfitters has partnered with Cincinnati Bike/PAC, Bike Newport, Park+Vine, OKI, The Cincinnati Cycle Club and Mobo Bicycle Co-op to bring Bike Month to the Queen City.
Everyone is invited to come and join in the fun! Classes on bicycle safety, bicycle commuting, and bike maintenance will be available all month long. You can compete in the Tour De Work Commuter Challenge! And be sure to come out to Lunken Airport on May 31st for Queen City Bike Cyclebration. Several area businesses will be on hand to show their support for cycling by helping to raise funds for the Ohio River Way for the completion of the Little Miami Bike Trail. There will be exciting events for the whole family including a kids bicycle rodeo, helmet painting, slowest bike race, raffle, tire change race, new bike showcase, food and live music.
For a complete list of events visit queencitybike.com
See you in May!
Everyone is invited to come and join in the fun! Classes on bicycle safety, bicycle commuting, and bike maintenance will be available all month long. You can compete in the Tour De Work Commuter Challenge! And be sure to come out to Lunken Airport on May 31st for Queen City Bike Cyclebration. Several area businesses will be on hand to show their support for cycling by helping to raise funds for the Ohio River Way for the completion of the Little Miami Bike Trail. There will be exciting events for the whole family including a kids bicycle rodeo, helmet painting, slowest bike race, raffle, tire change race, new bike showcase, food and live music.
For a complete list of events visit queencitybike.com
See you in May!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Bike Newport is in the News!
Bike Newport was formed as an advocacy group intent on raising Newport to the status of a "Bicycle Friendly City" as set forth by the League of American Bicyclists. Although the group has only been in existence for a short time great strides are being made to reach this designation. Bike racks will begin popping up all along Newport's main street and several Bike Month events have been planned to help create awareness for the need for other bicycle friendly improvements.
All of this activity is grabbing the attention of the local press as well. Check it out...
Newport group is taking it to the streets, on bicycles
Two-wheel group works with Newport officials
Bike Newport
All of this activity is grabbing the attention of the local press as well. Check it out...
Newport group is taking it to the streets, on bicycles
Two-wheel group works with Newport officials
Bike Newport
Reser Bicycle Outfitters is Named Business of the Year!
This year the Newport Business Association gave Reser Bicycle Outfitters it's Business of the Year Award. This is a great honor for us to be selected out of so many great businesses here in Newport. We are very proud to be a part of this long standing, supportive and progressive community. It gives us a warm fuzzy feeling to see more bicycles moving about in our city everyday. Thanks to our neighbors here on Monmouth Street and the surrounding community we are making our way to being rated as a Bicycle Friendly City.
We look forward to many more successful years in Newport!
Thank you again for your continued support!
We look forward to many more successful years in Newport!
Thank you again for your continued support!
Friday, March 7, 2008
National Bike Summit 2008

I attended and so did several others from the region, many of which I had collaborated with or typed-to before, but some I had never met face-to-face. There were several from Kentucky, but it was surprising that out of over 500 attendees, only 3 were from the Greater Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky area (Steve Magas, Ralph Mitchell and I)
What did we do? We listened to presentations on everything from making a Bike Friendly Community, Complete Streets Policy, and Safe Routes to School, to the National Parks Centennial Initiative and making off road trails part of the transportation system of a community.
There were some great speakers: Congressman Earl Blumenauer, Humana healthcare Chairman David Jones from Louisville, the Director of the National Park Service, and the Mayor of Washington DC. There were also "breakout" sessions with smaller presentations given by experts on many different issues in their respective fields.
With all of my new knowledge, I went up on the Capitol Hill and walked from office to office meeting with our congresspeople and their staffers with the others from Kentucky. It was great, they were all very kind and seemed to really get our message. In fact three Congresspeople agreed to join the Bike Caucus!
The biggest benefit was that we gave our Senators and Representatives a cure for some of our nation's biggest problems with a solution that reduces reliance on foreign oil, reduces air pollution and decreases road congestion all while promoting health and fitness which in turn reduces health care costs. We got a lot of support as livable communities with Bicycling and Pedestrian facilities are a win/win cause.
So now I'm fired up and ready to get some people riding bikes!
PS - You can add comments to anything written on our website- if it suits ya.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Mentor to Maysville and Schabobele Stage Race
Kentucky's best stage road race is coming up February 16th and 17th. There have been a lot of racers and first-timers stopping by the shop to get ready, so the excitement is definitely growing. Make sure to get some lightweight wheels to tame the climbs on Schabobele, which is likely where the whole weekend will be decided!
Kentucky Embraces Mountain Biking
Even though mountain biking started just over 25 years ago, it has already had a big influence on the state. Our state has chosen to promote the sport and even has provided an Unbridled Adventuretrailfinder. Which is good because mountain bikes still don't need bridles. Beware, it still needs refinement but it shows how many opportunities we have for some good biking. I think Kentucky is one of the nicest natural places on earth, and mountain biking is so low impact on the environment, it will keep the parks clean and usable for the future.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Urban Cycle Polo
Possibly the best sport ever! There is a group that plays in Over the Rhine. I played with them last Saturday from about 5:00 to 7:30 in the basketball court on Cogswell and 12th streets (behind Kaldis). There is an article about Urban Cycle Polo on Wikipedia. I played on my Black Market Mob mountain bike, though about half were on fixies and then there was just about every type of bike too. Update: The schedule is every Saturday at 5:00pm at the corner of Cogswell and 12th Street in downtown Cincinnati.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Reser Bicycle Winterish Hours
FYI - We will be closed on Sundays until the time change in March. We're still open 50 hours a week for your bicycle needs and desires. It's a little known secret that any repairs get turned around extremely quick during these months, especially overhauls, so come on down!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Route 8 Under Siege!
A very important meeting about the I-471 / Route 8 interchange will be taking part on Wednesday, January 16th.
This is a multi-million dollar redesign of the entire area around 471, from exit 3 to the river and including from the end of the Purple People Bridge into Bellevue. Route 8 sucks as it is, and it is proposed at this time that Route 8 will become practically impossible to ride by bicycle as they are looking to turn it into something that resembles an interstate onramp with designs that totally ignore bicycles. The other safe haven for bicycles, Sixth Street, will be changed likewise making it almost impossible to ride east out of Newport.
It may not be too late to have them make world class bicycle facilities if enough people show up are vocal for bicycle facilities. The meeting is at Newport High School, 900 East Sixth St, Newport, KY. Please Please make time to come and let your voice be heard - just a few minutes of time talking to decision-makers and filling out a survey can make a huge difference!
Thank You!
This is a multi-million dollar redesign of the entire area around 471, from exit 3 to the river and including from the end of the Purple People Bridge into Bellevue. Route 8 sucks as it is, and it is proposed at this time that Route 8 will become practically impossible to ride by bicycle as they are looking to turn it into something that resembles an interstate onramp with designs that totally ignore bicycles. The other safe haven for bicycles, Sixth Street, will be changed likewise making it almost impossible to ride east out of Newport.
It may not be too late to have them make world class bicycle facilities if enough people show up are vocal for bicycle facilities. The meeting is at Newport High School, 900 East Sixth St, Newport, KY. Please Please make time to come and let your voice be heard - just a few minutes of time talking to decision-makers and filling out a survey can make a huge difference!
Thank You!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Newport Bicycle Advisory Group
Yep I'm at it again - we're creating a local committee that will meet at the library to get Newport to a Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly community. It should be fun and will include creating hike/bike/road/off-road as well as events and education for local schools and the community at large. Give me a call at the bike shop or email if you're interested.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
World Bicycle Relief
World Bicycle Relief was founded three years ago by SRAM Corporation to provide simple, sustainable transportation to people in developing nations. Too often, mobility needs are overlooked in disaster assistance and poverty relief situations. Starting with 24,000 bicycles manufactured and delivered in Sri Lanka in response to the Tsunami, World Bicycle Relief seeks to address this by helping those who need it most.
By this May, World Bicycle Relief will provide 23,000 bicycles to volunteer, community-based HIV/AIDS caregivers, disease prevention educators and vulnerable households in the African nation of Zambia. Meeting this goal requires raising $2.9 million. Just $109 purchases a complete bicycle, spare parts, and support, and any donation amount helps provide the power of bicycles. Instructions for contribution by credit card, check or wire transfer are available at www.worldbicyclerelief.org.
By this May, World Bicycle Relief will provide 23,000 bicycles to volunteer, community-based HIV/AIDS caregivers, disease prevention educators and vulnerable households in the African nation of Zambia. Meeting this goal requires raising $2.9 million. Just $109 purchases a complete bicycle, spare parts, and support, and any donation amount helps provide the power of bicycles. Instructions for contribution by credit card, check or wire transfer are available at www.worldbicyclerelief.org.
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